For Immediate Release: August 2, 2022

Contact: Ben Martens, 207-619-1755;


Last week the Fishing Communities Coalition (FCC) applauded the Senate Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee for allocating $2,000,000 in funding to the Young Fishermen’s Development Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). The FCC thanks Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) for their strong support within their roles on the Senate Appropriations Committee. We also thank Senators Ed Markey (D-MA) and Dan Sullivan (R-AK) for leading the FY23 Senate request, along with fellow champions Senators Jack Reed (D-RI), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Angus King (I-ME), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Maggie Hassan (D-NH).

According to Ben Martens, Executive Director of FCC member Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association, "A fully funded Young Fishermen's Development Program means that we can give the next generation of fishermen in places like Maine the tools they need to continue to feed our communities fresh, healthy, delicious seafood and keep our working waterfronts working."

The Young Fishermen’s Development Program is a top priority for the FCC, who first proposed the idea in 2015. Since its inception, the FCC has worked diligently alongside our congressional champions to build support for the program and its authorizing legislation, The Young Fishermen’s Development Act, which was enacted on January 5, 2021 (P.L. 116-289).

“We are thrilled to see the Young Fishermen’s Development Program fully funded in the Senate FY23 CJS budget and deeply appreciate the leadership of Alaska’s delegation on this issue,” said Linda Behnken, Executive Director of the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, an FCC member. “Our young fishermen face ever growing challenges with a changing climate and a rapidly evolving industry. Fully funding this vital program will support their success.”

The Young Fishermen’s Development Program is a workforce development grant program to educate, train, and mentor young and beginning commercial fishermen. This program is a first-of-its-kind national program, following in the footsteps of numerous successful regional-level efforts, many of which were spearheaded by FCC member organizations.  

According to Eric Brazer, Deputy Director of the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders’ Alliance, “The Gulf of Mexico is associated with some of the U.S.’s favorite seafood – from your Mississippi shrimp to your Florida grouper and snapper. We’ve worked hard to provide job security for our commercial fishing businesses and food security for our coastal communities, and we’re excited to see the Senate prioritize a path forward to support the next generation of commercial fishermen leaders.”

This news follows action last month by the House CJS Appropriations Subcommittee, which also included funding for the program in the FY23 CJS report. As Congress stands poised to break for August recess, the FCC looks forward to working with House and Senate champions and appropriators this fall to ensure this important, timely program is fully funded for FY23. Doing so will better ensure the U.S.’s economically, historically, and culturally important commercial fishing industry prospers for generations to come.

"This is the first of many important steps needed to ensure that upcoming generations can maintain direct access to the means of production in coastal food systems,” said Marissa Wilson, Executive Director of the Alaska Marine Conservation Council, an FCC member. “Small-boat harvest of wild fish is an important tradition with values richer than money. Investing in this lifeway is vital to the wellness of communities along and inland of the nation's 95,000 miles of coastline."

Round 2 CARES Act Fisheries Relief Applications Now Available

Press Release: July 29, 2022

CONTACT: Commissioner's Office, (907) 465-6136,

Round 2 CARES Act Fisheries Relief Applications Now Available

Applications for "Round 2" CARES Act relief for fishery participants are now available on the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) web site. All applications must be submitted by mail through traditional methods, i.e., USPS, FedEx, UPS. The deadline for postmarking applications for all sectors is October 31, 2022. No late applications will be accepted.

Applications can be downloaded and printed from the link below. Please carefully review Alaska's spend plan and application instructions before completing an application, link also below. Applicants are encouraged to download and print applications from the PSMFC web site and to pay for tracking and/or delivery confirmation when mailing the application to the PSMFC.

The PSMFC will NOT mail applications to fishery participants unless explicitly requested. If requesting an application by mail, please email, subject the message "Application Request," and provide your name, the address where you receive mail, and indicate which application(s) you are requesting. If calling the toll-free hotline, please provide the same information. We also strongly encourage that remote villages and communities request applications in bulk to be mailed to a community leader or tribal liaison.

For questions or inquiries related specifically to Alaska's CARES Act fisheries relief please email or call toll-free: (888) 517-7262. If you have the ability to email, you may receive a quicker response due to the large volume of calls anticipated to be received.

  • DO NOT email applications! Emailed applications will NOT be accepted!

  • Applicants are responsible for mailing completed applications to the PSMFC through traditional methods, i.e., USPS, FedEx, UPS.

  • Applicants are encouraged to pay for tracking and/or delivery confirmation and verify when the application was received by the PSMFC.

  • PSMFC will not respond to requests for "has my application been received?"

Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission Website (updates and various applications posted here)

Alaska Spend Plan

Coming Unglued: Imperial Survival Suits Show Potential Problems in U.S. and Canada


Dylan Simard

July 19, 2022

U.S. Coast Guard inspections of vessels and safety equipment are rarely welcomed by skippers and crew, especially in Bristol Bay as the fleet prepares for the largest salmon run in recorded history. But this year, sharp-eyed Coast Guard examiners discovered a problem with Imperial Immersion Suits that could mean the difference between life and death.

The 17th Coast Guard District recommends that vendors, owners and examiners of Imperial immersion suits take a close look at these suits when conducting visual and tactile inspections and exercise caution until amplifying guidance on the use and/or disposition of these immersion suits can be obtained and distributed. Please contact D17 Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Coordinator Mr. Scott Wilwert at (907) 463-2810 or LT Lauren Bloch (907) 463-2812 Lauren.E.Bloch@uscg.milwith any questions. 

Read more here

Local fishermen and communities launch “Fish for Families” to help address continued declines of wild salmon throughout Alaska


July 6, 2022

Sitka, AK - Last week, local fishermen, tribal organizations, and community leaders worked together to deliver Bristol Bay sockeye salmon to families in Chignik facing a fourth consecutive year of low salmon returns. Bristol Bay’s salmon fishery is projected to have a record-breaking season of more than 75 million sockeye salmon while communities in Chignik and the Yukon and Kuskokwim River watersheds face another summer of low salmon returns, leaving many Alaska Native families without one of their most vital subsistence foods.

The salmon donation project, Fish for Families, is an expansion of the Alaska Sustainable Fisheries Trust (ASFT) and Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association’s (ALFA) Seafood Donation Program, which was launched in March 2020 in response to COVID-19 and its impacts on Alaska’s seafood industry and local families struggling with food insecurity. Since 2020, the Seafood Donation Program has deployed $2.5 million to purchase and deliver more than 640,000 donated Alaska seafood meals to individuals and families in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. The Chignik region was one of the Seafood Donation Program’s early partners; in 2020, over 33,000 pounds of Bristol Bay sockeye was delivered to Chignik families unable to harvest salmon due to Chignik’s record-low sockeye salmon returns.

In response to growing demand for donated salmon throughout Alaska, ALFA recently launched a GoFundMe campaign for the Fish for Families project. All donations made this summer will go towards purchasing, processing, and shipping salmon to Alaska Native communities where local fisheries have been shut down due to low salmon returns.

“It’s become clear the last couple years that disruptions to our local food system are not going away anytime soon. Climate change is affecting salmon abundance and distribution.  We need to build a more resilient seafood supply chain and prioritize local consumption of Alaska’s wild fish,” said Linda Behnken, Executive Director of the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association. “We hope that this summer’s Fish for Families project can help build the foundation for more community-driven partnerships and a long-term, self-sustaining Alaska seafood distribution system.”

“Our back-to-back low salmon returns have been devastating to Chignik’s communities. Wild

salmon has been the backbone of our culture for millennia. Without wild salmon, our cultural

identity and our food supply is in jeopardy,” said George Anderson, President of the Chignik

Intertribal Coalition. “The Fish for Families project is a way for us to ensure that we can continue to practice our way of being and instill those values in the next generation. It’s also a chance for us to be part of a growing network of community-minded fishermen and organizations that are committed to building a more resilient and Alaskan-based local seafood distribution system.”

This summer’s Fish to Families project will focus on sourcing salmon from Bristol Bay, where more than 30 million salmon have already returned, and deliver that salmon to other regions where there is not enough local salmon to meet local needs, including communities throughout the Yukon and Kuskokwim River watersheds. With the support of the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association, Bristol Bay Native Corporation, and Catch Together, ALFA has raised $60,000 for this summer’s Fish for Families deliveries and seeks to raise another $40,000 through its GoFundMe campaign.

The Fish for Families project would not be possible without involvement by many individuals, fishermen, small processors, businesses, organizations and foundations helping to fund this effort. The Fish for Families project is a collaboration of community-minded fishermen, businesses, and organizations, including the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, Alaska Sustainable Fisheries Trust, Northline Seafoods, North Soul Salmon, Net to Table Seafoods, Catch Together, Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association, Copper River Fish Market , Boreal Sockeye,  Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association, SalmonState, and the Businesses for Conservation and Climate Action.

For more information about the Seafood Donation Program, including the Fish for Families GoFundMe campaign:


Media Contacts:

Natalie Sattler - Program Director, ALFA, 907-738-1286

Linda Behnken - Executive Director, ALFA, 907-738-3615

With a way of life on the Y-K Delta at risk, the North Pacific Council declines to reduce trawl bycatch, and instead wants more study of climate change

Posted by KCAW News | Jun 17, 2022

Listen HERE

Despite hours of testimony from residents living along the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers who called for urgent action to curb the bycatch of chinook and chum salmon in the Bering Sea trawl fisheries, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council decided to approach the problem more methodically.

In a unanimous vote near the end of its five-day meeting in Sitka (6-13-22), the Council recommended further study of salmon declines in the Bering Sea, and a closer look at their connection to climate change.

When you look at the bar graphs of salmon abundance in the Yukon River, the third-largest river in North America, you do a double-take. The graphs are scaled to millions, and the bars, which show peaks and valleys over the years, just disappear in 2020 and 2021.

The forecast is no better this season.

“At this point, there should be alarm bells going off all over not only in our communities, but all over the state and federal government agencies,” said Vivian Korthuis, chief executive officer for the Association of Village Council Presidents.

The AVCP is a consortium of 56 federally-recognized tribes on the Yukon-Kuskowim Delta. Among the region’s 27,000 residents, Korthius said 98-percent of households harvested salmon. North Pacific Fishery Management meetings typically involve hours of presentations on the scientific research into stock decline, but Korthius pointed out a glaring oversight.

“What your reports don’t show are the families in Western Alaska who are worrying about putting fish away to feed their children throughout the winter,” she said, “and parents and grandparents who are unable to pass our way of life down to our children and future grandchildren.”

The salmon collapse may be a cultural crisis, but it’s also quantifiable.

“I normally put away 2,000 chum salmon to feed my dog team,” said Mike Williams, Sr. “Last year I caught only two.”

Williams is from Akiak. He chairs the Kuskokwim River Intertribal Commission, which represents 33 tribes in the Kuskokwim River drainage. The salmon collapse is nearly as dire on the Kuskokwim. Williams was discouraged that pollock trawlers – so far this year – had already caught and discarded 5,100 chinook salmon, and last year caught and discarded 540,000 chum. He said, “The waste of a single fish is unjust for indigenous fishermen.” 

Nevertheless, Williams recognized that the problem was complex.

“We understand that is not every salmon caught by pollock fisheries is bound for Western Alaska,” he said. “We understand that other factors like climate change, and competition with hatchery fish have impacts on our salmon in their marine environment. But we know that this council has the power to enact regulations… to reduce salmon bycatch.” 

Thirty-seven people signed up to testify before the Council on the issue, by far and away most of them urging the Council to reduce the amount of allowable bycatch of chinook and chum salmon by the pollock fleet. But it was clear from reports about conditions in the Bering Sea, that although the bycatch numbers are significant, they’re still a fraction of the overall decline in salmon.

Stephanie Madsen, the director of the At-Sea Processors Association, sympathized with the crisis faced by the villagers of Western Alaska. But she suggested that it was a mistake to pin the blame on trawlers, if at all.

“I understand from public testimony and reality that it really is at this time, the only thing that is controllable,” Madsen said. “You can put your hand on the dial and you can turn it down and and hope that there will be an impact to those that are in crisis. But Mr. Chairman, I’m concerned that although we are controllable, that the dial doesn’t have the ability to address all the variables that we have heard today that appear to be causing the decline: Climate change, the lack of food, competition with the hatchery fish.”

Madsen argued that the decline in salmon was a coast-wide issue, and that if the Council took steps to reduce the incidental catch of salmon by trawlers, and the results were “not what folks are hoping for …disappointment will continue.”

The effort to play down the significance of trawl bycatch did not sit well with representatives of other fishing industry sectors who testified on the issue. Sitka resident, and former Council member, Linda Behnken, is the executive director of the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association.

She felt it was the Council’s responsibility to address the disproportionate impact of the salmon collapse.

“Clearly, the way we’re inhabiting this planet is unsustainable,” Behnken said. “The people of the AYK (Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim) minimally participate in that unsustainable culture, but they’re bearing the brunt right now of those impacts in Alaska.”

Behnken was a key figure in working to ban trawling off the coast of Southeast Alaska. She didn’t believe that trawling – although an important provider of protein to the world – was in any way sustainable, even when Council member Anne Vanderhoeven, who works for the Seattle-based Arctic Storm Management Group, argued that trawling was environmentally friendly. 

“Are you familiar with the peer-reviewed lifecycle assessment of the pollock fishery that was released last year showing it was one of the lowest carbon footprints of any protein both land based and marine based?” she asked Behnken. “Granted, it may be higher than a local subsistence fishermen. But compared to other fisheries?”

Behnken’s answer may not have been the concession that Vanderhoeven was looking for.

“Yes, there’s certainly a lower carbon footprint when you have the kind of mass of fish that’s being harvested in the pollock fishery,” Behnken observed, “but it is a system that doesn’t localize that access. And what I’m hearing with people I’m working with — throughout the state, we’ve done a lot of seafood distributions in the last few years to communities in need — and what those people want is their local foods. I mean, you can send them pollock and say it’s a low carbon footprint, but it doesn’t meet their need. It doesn’t meet their culture. It doesn’t meet their connections to that place. So I guess that’s what I’m just asking you to think about.”

Given the intensity of the feelings around bycatch, the motion brought forward by the Council’s Advisory Panel was tepid. Advocates hoped to see the allowable bycatch of chinook cut from 45,000 to 16,000; they wanted the bycatch of chum halved from 500,000 to 250,000. Instead, they got an extensive document that boiled down to this, as introduced by Rachel Baker, of the Alaska Department of Fish & Game:

“The council commits to continued improvements in bycatch, with the goal of minimizing bycatch at all levels of salmon and public abundance.”

There was also a call for further research to tease out whether lowering the current caps on the trawl bycatch of chinook and chum would make any difference at all to the recovery of the stocks in Western Alaska. And, as a  concession to the many affected residents who testified from Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim region, the motion included language to incorporate more traditional knowledge into the decision-making process in the future.

North Pacific Fishery Management Council June Meeting update

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council wrapped up an 8-day meeting in Sitka on Monday.  Below is a summary of selected Council action (and inaction).  You can find all Council reports and motions here:

Below are summaries of issues of particular interest to our members.

Observer Program

The Council approved the annual deployment plan (year two with no changes) and directed the observer program staff to complete analysis of potential cost saving measures that will allow increased observer coverage on high bycatch fisheries.  The Council has prioritized this work for the past two years, but to date the agency has been unable or unwilling to dedicate adequate resources.  If this analysis, called the EM integration analysis, does not identify cost savings, fixed gear industry group are poised to demand an observer program overhaul.  

Salmon Bycatch

The salmon crisis in the Alaska Yukon, Kuskokwim, and Chignik River systems triggered the Council to review Chinook and chum bycatch management in the Bering Sea trawl fisheries.  After a long list of presentations and heartrending public testimony describing the lack of food and loss of both community and culture, the Council did exactly nothing—at least nothing with regulatory teeth.  Their lengthy motion called for more research, voluntary improvements in bycatch avoidance, and appointment of a bycatch workgroup.  Once appointed, AYK workgroup members will no doubt again recommend that the Chinook PSC cap be reduced, and a bycatch cap be set for chums (the Bering Sea trawl fleet caught over 546,000 chum and 13,000 Chinook in 2021)—as they did at this meeting and the last Council meeting and the meeting before that.  While climate change is no doubt driving the decline, the magnitude of bycatch is unacceptable with so many indigenous communities unable to catch even one salmon.  Both ALFA and ATA testified in solidarity with the directed salmon fishermen, highlighting the environmental and social injustice of the current bycatch priority. 

IFQ Amendments

After another push by fixed gear organizations, the Council called for analysis revisions and scheduled the small sablefish release amendment for a second initial review at their April 2023 meeting.  The primary objection to allowing fixed gear boats to release sablefish seems to be the assessment/management uncertainty introduced by allowing fishermen to decide which sablefish to retain and which to release.  The scientists suggested a minimum size limit, which was quickly shot down by the Council since measuring every small sablefish would increase handling and release mortality.  Slow progress but at least progress!

The Council also initiated analysis of raising the vessel ownership caps in halibut Area 4 (A, B, C,D).  Covid and consolidation of the processing sector has left Areas 4B-D with limited access to processing/markets and a small pool of larger vessels able to safely run the distance to non-local buyers.  ALFA supported a limited duration increase in the cap and options that allowed each of the region 4 areas to be considered separately.  Although the AP structured alternatives per ALFA’s request, the Council rolled all the areas back into one action, which ignores the far more accessible processing capacity in Area 4A.  This issue will be back before the Council soon; please share your thoughts on vessel caps and any other action before the Council.

One final note: ALFA hosted a reception for the Council at Halibut Point Rec that was co-sponsored by local processors, businesses, and organizations (see list below) and catered by Beth Short-Rhoads of Fireweed Dinner Service.  The food was OUTSTANDING—delicious and lovely—and the weather cooperated.  Huge thanks to Liberty Siegle and Heather Bauscher for organizing a great event, to Beth for going above and beyond, to our cheerful volunteers, and to the co-sponsors who provided seafood, funding, and logistical support.  

North Pacific Fishery Management Council Meetings in Sitka June 6th-14th

REMINDER!  The North Pacific Fishery Management Council is meeting in Sitka this week.  The SSC started on Monday June, 6th, the AP on Tuesday, June 7th, and the Council starts on Thursday, June 8th.  You can find the agenda:

If you would like to receive text alerts on Council timing, text the word "NPFMC" to the number 81411

Agenda items include: The groundfish and halibut observer program, Salmon bycatch, and IFQ amendments (including small sablefish release). C5, D1, and D2

ALFA and others in the seafood industry are hosting a reception at HPR rec, main shelter at 6 pm on Thursday.  Please join us!  

House Bill 28 Update: DMV Boat Registration

From United Fishermen of Alaska:

With the legislative session set to wrap up by midnight tonight, it looks like HB 28 which would have exempted CFEC licensed vessels from the DMV registration requirements initiated by SB 92 (the derelict vessels act), is not going to make it to the floor for a vote this year. We are reaching out to Public Safety to see what their stance on enforcement of this issue is going to be this year and will share more when we have a solid answer.


As an FYI to Bay fishermen: Some of our member groups in the Bay have heard from the Troopers that the DMV registration will not be enforced again this year in the Bay, but if it were to be enforced, it is a $50 fine. 


We are also receiving word that some DMV locations are closed, have limited number of stickers on hand, and/or have limited hours or are by appointment only. If your plan is to register your boat or you are an AK boat and need to renew your sticker, please plan accordingly. Registration with the state is good for three years and costs $24. You will need a valid copy of the certificate of documentation/proof of ownership, a completed application, and the $24 fee. 

ALFA disaster relief letter to Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Letter to ADF&G

 Post Office Box 1229 / Sitka, Alaska 99835 /907.747.3400 / 

Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang Alaska Department of Fish and Game 

May 11, 2022 

Dear Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang 

I am submitting these comments from the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association in response to the department’s call for comment on distribution of the federal Fishery Disaster funds. ALFA is a multi-species gear group that includes trollers, gillnetters and seiners as well as fixed gear fishermen. Our organization is based in Sitka and while we have members who target sablefish and halibut in all Gulf of Alaska and some Bering Sea areas, most of our members who target salmon operate off Southeast Alaska. For this reason, our comments on the salmon disaster relief funding are addressed to the distribution of Southeast salmon disaster funds. 

ALFA understands that $55,928,849 has been designated for the 2020 Norton Sound, Yukon River, Kuskokwim River, Chignik, and Southeast Alaska salmon fisheries, and 2021 Yukon River salmon fishery. In the past, affected fishermen have been the primary recipients of federal disaster relief funds and we support a similar approach in this instance. We recognize the necessity of moving this money quickly to meet subsistence needs; we also support strong disaster relief to commercial fishermen who kept working during covid to provide high quality protein to the nation despite significant risks and substantially increased operational costs. Finally, since this disaster disbursement is significantly larger than any past distributions, we ask that the Department also consider investment in fisheries research and working waterfront infrastructure. If properly directed, these investments will build resilience into the fisheries to buffer against future disruptions or fishery disasters. 

  1. 1) In terms of allocating money to individual fisherman, we ask that you observe the following principles: a. Income, not numbers of fish or pounds of fish (even if considered on a species-by-species basis) is the only way to generate a fair comparison due to the extreme variation in price during different times of year and in different fisheries. For example, trollers invest in tremendous amounts of onboard labor to raise the value of their catch, focusing on quality over quantity. Dressed troll-caught winter king should not be compared to net-caught summer fish landed in the round on any basis other than value. Likewise, the “value” of a species should not be calculated by averaging across fisheries, as has been done by the State in the past. This averaging significantly diminishes compensation to a low volume/high quality fishery such as the troll fishery. In short, compensation to each fishery should reflect impacts to that fishery.

    1. b. Year-to-year income for individual fishermen and even collectively for a gear group is notoriously volatile. To create a base period with any fewer than eight years could distort an individual’s catch history. As in the past, there would need to be some provision using fleet-wide averages in place of income in years that an individual did not fish. Specifically, due to the terms of the most recent Pacific Salmon Treaty agreement, the 2017-2019 troll Chinook catches were restricted to a lower limit than in any year since 1911. A short base period would penalize the troll fleet for Alaska’s adherence to a punitive international agreement by giving these years undue weight.

    2. c. Fishermen who purchased a license and fished for the first time in 2020 or shortly before should be compensated for the impact to their anticipated earnings. A new entrant’s lack of base years should not reduce their disaster compensation.

2) In addition to payments to individual fishermen, Disaster Relief funds can also be used for research to improve fisheries in the future; ALFA supports consideration of also dedicating Disaster Relief funds to support working waterfront infrastructure. Relative to research, ALFA supports using these funds to support the continuation of the Unuk River and Keta River Chinook hatchery broodstocks. These programs were developed at great investment by the National Marine Fisheries Service at their Little Port Walter facility. Unfortunately, that program is in the process of being closed because NMFS considers the program to be a low priority. Without outside intervention this would mean the demise of these broodstocks and loss of this time-consuming and expensive investment. With wild Chinook stocks struggling throughout the state, any knowledge that can be gained through careful study of stock diversity has the potential for benefits far beyond the historic harvest of these releases. 

3) Relative to infrastructure: OneUSDA recently solicited proposals from Southeast communities, Tribes and non-profits that would build resilience and sustainability in the region. In response, OneUSDA received proposals requesting working waterfront infrastructure repairs or upgrades totaling over $50 million. Clearly working waterfront infrastructure is inadequate or at risk throughout Southeast. For example, Sitka, with the largest small boat fleet in Alaska, is currently without a haulout or boatyard. Investment in fishery specific working waterfront would buffer the fleet against future disruptions and seems a prudent use of fishery disaster funds. The state could establish a fishery specific working waterfront or (sea)food security fund and solicit grant requests from municipalities, Tribes, or qualified non-profits to address this clearly identified need. 

Above all, ALFA asks that the State move quickly to disburse funds to the subsistence, sport and commercial fishermen financially harmed by covid 19. ALFA recommends that the disbursement to individual fisherman include 60 -80 percent of the disaster relief total, with 20-10 percent of the total supporting research and 20-10 percent designated for working waterfront projects. Again, our comments are directed at the Southeast Alaska Salmon disaster disbursement. We recognize other regions may have different priorities 

Thank you for soliciting comments and for your consideration of our recommendations. Sincerely, 

Linda Behnken, Executive Director, ALFA 

Click here for link to letter