You Don't Need to be a Longliner to Become an Important Part of ALFA's work.

Our members are commercial fishermen of all stripes—trollers, seiners, gillnetters, crabbers, AND longliners—but we couldn’t do all that we do without the support of our local seafood processors, businesses members, and the folks from Alaska and the Pacific Northwest who contribute because they care about sustainable fisheries, strong coastal communities, and healthy marine ecosystems.  

Please choose the membership option that best suits you.

For more information about membership please contact us.                                                                                              


Voting Memberships



This membership grants you a vote and a seat at the table.  At this level and higher you have access to ALFA communications and receive 10% off on all ALFA merchandise.  

Vessel Owner


With the vessel owner membership, you are eligible to participate in ALFA's Fishery Conservation Network, with access to our side scan bathymetric maps, sperm whale avoidance network, and other resources.  

Supporting Fisherman Membership


As a supporting member, you are making a difference for our hard working organization and the future of Alaska’s fisheries.  Your dues or contribution support ALFA’s research and advocacy work and help secure the future for Alaska’s fishing communities.   




As a highliner member, you are making a substantial impact on ALFA's ability to achieve its mission. Your support ensures the voice of Alaska’s small boat fishermen will be heard both in Alaska and across the Nation.  Stop by and pick up an ALFA hat or mug—it’s on us!


From $125/Year

You select how much to pay for your ALFA membership, starting with $125 and increasing in increments of $25. Custom memberships between $125-$225 grants you a vote and a seat at the table. At the $125-$225 level and higher you have access to ALFA communications and receive 10% off on all ALFA merchandise. With custom memberships $250-$575 you are eligible to participate in ALFA's Fishery Conservation Network, with access to our side scan bathymetric maps, sperm whale avoidance network, and other resources.  Everything above $600 significantly supports ALFA’s research and advocacy work and helps secure the future for Alaska’s fishing communities. Contact us about Custom Membership or to purchase a one time membership.





Like the conservation work that we do?  Care about healthy oceans and sustainable fishing communities?  Then please contribute what you can! A $120 contribution earns you 10% off on all ALFA merchandise.  Please let us know if you would like to be on our mailing list.



As one of our business members you will receive recognition in ALFA publications, including our newsletters, the ALFA website, and our Spring Thank You Ad in the Sitka Sentinel. 



This membership level grants you access to ALFA communications and also allows you to receive 5% off on all ALFA merchandise.


BUSINESS MEMBERS                                                             

Be sure to thank these businesses when you shop.


Thank You to Our Associate Member Highliners

Seafood Producers Cooperation - LFS Marine Supply - Sitka Salmon Shares

Thank You to Our Associate Members
Alaska Boats and Permits · Alaskan Quota & Permits LLC · ALPS Credit Union · Chi Hooks · Current Navigation · First Bank 

First National Bank Alaska · Fishing Vessel Owner’s Association · Hames Corporation  · Hoonah Cold Storage · KCAW/Raven Radio

Paul Olson, Attorney at Law · Precision Boatworks · Qi Hooks · Serka’s Welding and Fabrication 

 Sitka Sound Seafoods · The Boat Company Ltd. · The Daily Sitka Sentinel · Yakutat Seafoods · Yaquina Boat Equipment