Fishermen’s EXPO

2025 Fishermen’s Expo

The 2025 Fishermen’s Expo will take place on Thursday, March 6 from 9am-5pm in the NSRAA Conference Room in Sitka. For those unable to attend in person, please join us via Zoom. Register Here.

ALFA has a long history of providing educational opportunities to fishermen, both new and experienced. Whether by helping fishermen to choose equipment that is more fuel efficient, teaching them about the political process, or teaching them about new tools and software like bathymetric mapping, ALFA works hard to keep fishermen in the know about the policies that affect them and innovations that can help them to use best practices and fish more effectively. 

ALFA and the Alaska Sustainable Fisheries Trust banded together to host the first ever Fishermen's Expos in 2016, which offered workshops on topics such as fuel efficiency, fishing for sablefish using pot gear, and reducing sperm whale depredation on longline gear. Since then, the expo has evolved to focus especially on young people and those who are new to the industry by offering workshops focusing on business skills, beginner's courses in seafloor mapping, and safety courses. 

Click here to view the Fall 2023 presentations and resources.

Click here to view the Spring 2022 presentations and resources.

Click here to view the Fall 2020 presentations and resources.