Dylan Simard
July 19, 2022
U.S. Coast Guard inspections of vessels and safety equipment are rarely welcomed by skippers and crew, especially in Bristol Bay as the fleet prepares for the largest salmon run in recorded history. But this year, sharp-eyed Coast Guard examiners discovered a problem with Imperial Immersion Suits that could mean the difference between life and death.
The 17th Coast Guard District recommends that vendors, owners and examiners of Imperial immersion suits take a close look at these suits when conducting visual and tactile inspections and exercise caution until amplifying guidance on the use and/or disposition of these immersion suits can be obtained and distributed. Please contact D17 Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Coordinator Mr. Scott Wilwert at (907) 463-2810 Anthony.S.Wilwert@uscg.mil or LT Lauren Bloch (907) 463-2812 Lauren.E.Bloch@uscg.milwith any questions.