State of Alaska releases dedicated CARES Act draft spend plan for public review

Below is ADFG's draft spend plan for the $50M for fisheries dedicated CARES money. Public comment is due October 19. 

Note that NOAA proposed allocating 5.5% of funds to the charter sector. ADFG proposes allocating 32% to the charter sector (including non-resident). This is an increase of $13.25M for the charter sector.

NOAA proposed allocating 59.3% to processors, dealers, wholesalers, and distributors. ADFG proposes allocating 32% to the seafood processing sector. 

ADFG proposes allocating 1% to aquaculture and 3% to subsistence. 

ALFA will be providing comments but we urge all members to also voice their concerns. 

Press release:

NOAA Allocations (scroll down)

ADFG Draft Plan