We Are Going Fishing!

Posted by Linda Behnken Jul 6, 2023 Commercial Fishing, Featured, Salmon, Sustainable Seafood, Working Waterfronts Leave a Comment on the Marine Fish Conservation Network page

After months of fighting to save Southeast Alaska’s Chinook salmon troll fishery from a misguided lawsuit filed by the Wild Fish Conservancy (WFC), our fleet is going fishing!

On June 21st the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the District Court’s May decision to close the fishery while the National Marine Fisheries Service addresses technical issues with its Endangered Species Act documents. We are deeply relieved that the appeals court followed the science.

The WFC lawsuit alleges that the Alaska troll fishery is a threat to Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW), a pod of salmon eating orca that live most of the year in Puget Sound. The substantial body of science on the topic establishes that the real threat to the SRKW is habitat damage from urbanization, industrial pollution, and noise disturbance in their home range–not fisheries. Even if fisheries were a threat, it takes twisted logic to identify the small boat, low volume, hook and line troll fishery operating over 800 miles away from the orcas’ home range as the problem. Closing Southeast Alaska’s troll fishery would not benefit SRKW or the salmon they depend on, but it would destroy the rural and indigenous families and villages that depend on the troll fishery. As the appeals court opined, the documented socioeconomic costs are not justified by the speculative environmental impacts claimed by the WFC.

The Ninth Circuit decision is also a testament to the groundswell of support that Alaska’s trollers received from tribes, conservation groups, businesses, local communities, the Alaska’s State Legislature, and Alaska’s Congressional delegation. From a scientific, cultural, and social justice perspective, this lawsuit is a misfire–and a major distraction from the crucially important work to recover Puget Sound orca.

Salmon, orcas, and our planet would be better served if we worked together to address the complex issues that threaten the future sustainability of our fisheries and coastal ecosystems: dams, urban pollution, mining, and climate change. Transferring the conservation burden and cost onto fishing families isn’t the answer–as experts assert. Lynne Barre, who has led the SRKW recovery program at the National Marine Fisheries Service since 2002, points out in her October 2022 written declaration that the WFC oversimplifies and overestimates the impacts of shutting down Southeast’s troll fishery, failing to account for the mobility of both Chinook and orca populations and their fluctuating migratory pathways.

The hard truth is that there are no shortcuts when it comes to restoring wild salmon. We have seen everywhere else in the world that without healthy habitat and free-flowing rivers, we cannot have healthy wild salmon. Alaska trollers understand this. We work to protect salmon habitat to protect our way of life, our communities, and ocean health.

If nothing else, I hope that our legal battle to save our small boat fisheries, communities, and way of life in Southeast Alaska can be a reminder to both fishermen and non-fishermen around the country that we need to work together to ensure our fisheries are sustainable and our oceans are healthy for generations to come.

An Alaska fishery has been pitted against orcas. Can both survive?

July 1, 2023 at 6:00 am Updated July 1, 2023 at 6:00 am

By Isabella Breda

Seattle Times staff reporter

In early May a Seattle federal judge put the brakes on this summer’s troll fishery in Southeast Alaska, ruling that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration must amend its 2019 report on the impact of the fishing on endangered southern resident orcas who prefer to eat the same Chinook. But the ruling was put on hold last month by a U.S. appeals court, which allowed the fishery to reopen, citing economic harm.

Shutting down salmon trollers won't save endangered orcas

June 25, 2023

By Tim Bristol

Special to The Seattle Times

Wild Fish Conservancy’s lawsuit accusing Southeast Alaska’s troll fishery of harming the southern resident orca population is not only an abuse of the Endangered Species Act, but it will not save Chinook nor those beleaguered orcas. Fishery experts and scientists at the National Marine Fisheries Service and elsewhere have concluded that Southeast Alaska and other Chinook fisheries are not likely to impede the orcas’ recovery. In fact, experts at NMFS say that Wild Fish Conservancy’s theory that Southeast Alaska’s troll fishery is to blame is scientifically weak, outdated and exaggerates fishery impacts. There is overwhelming evidence that other threats are affecting the residents, including pollution, industrial toxins, urbanization and habitat loss; this explains in part why the southern resident population is struggling while Northern and Alaska resident orca populations have doubled since 1980.

Tim Bristol is the executive director of nonprofit advocacy organization SalmonState. He is based in Homer, Alaska.

Alaska’s fishermen and communities celebrate court’s decision to allow Southeast Alaska’s Chinook troll fishery to open on July 1st


June 21, 2023

Sitka, AK - Southeast Alaska’s fishermen and communities welcomed the U.S. 9th District Court of Appeals’ decision on June 21st to keep Southeast Alaska’s Chinook troll fishery open while the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) addresses a technicality in its 2019 Biological Opinion for Southeast Alaska’s salmon fisheries. In its order, the federal appeals panel shared that there was ample evidence submitted showing that the impacts of shutting down the Alaska salmon fishing industry would “outweigh the speculative environmental threats” of keeping the fishery open.

“The court’s decision is a huge relief for hundreds of small-boat fishing families that rely on this fishery for their income,” said Linda Behnken, Executive Director of the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association. “We are relieved that the court followed the well-documented science establishing that Southeast Alaska’s troll fishery is not a threat to the Southern Resident Killer Whale population and that shutting down the fishery would do more harm than good.”

“We are deeply grateful for the countless hours and hard work that the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, National Marine Fisheries Service, and Alaska Trollers Association have put into defending our fishery from Wild Fish Conservancy’s reckless lawsuit,” said Jeff Farvour, commercial fisherman and board member for both the Alaska Trollers Association and the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association. “Thanks to them and the tremendous support from Alaska’s Congressional Delegation, State Legislature, Southeast Alaska tribes, communities, and conservation groups we can go fishing this summer.”

“The outpouring of support for Alaska’s salmon troll fishery through this ordeal has been heartening,” added Behnken. “Alaska definitely had our back. We have more work ahead to successfully conclude this lawsuit and to restore Washington’s salmon habitat, but today we are celebrating–and getting ready to go fishing!” 


'It'll be a disaster': Southeast Alaska fishermen fear looming closure of king salmon fishery

Anchorage Daily News

By Sean Maguire, Michelle Theriault Boots

June 8, 2023

State officials are scrambling to open the fishery after it was effectively closed by a federal judge — but damage has already been done.

More than 100 salmon trollers packed a Sitka meeting Wednesday night with sharp questions about the future of an iconic Southeast Alaska fishery, facing what could be an unprecedented full shutdown of this year’s chinook trolling season.

Full article here

Alaska fishermen respond to judge’s decision on troll fishery 


May 3, 2023

Juneau, AK - On May 2nd, U.S. District Court Judge Jones submitted his decision to adopt U.S. Magistrate Judge Michelle Peterson’s recommended order to suspend Southeast Alaska’s Chinook troll fishery.  The closure is driven by the Wild Fish Conservancy’s misguided claim that Southeast’s troll fishery poses harm to Washington’s Southern Resident Killer Whale population.

“The court’s decision is disappointing, not only because it puts the future of Alaska’s small-boat fishing families in jeopardy, but it distracts from the larger, more urgent issues that are causing the continued decline of the Pacific Northwest’s Chinook and orca populations,” said Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association Director, Linda Behnken. “The science and data clearly shows that habitat loss, dams, climate change, water pollution, and urbanization are harming salmon and orcas in the Northwest - not our hook-and-line fishery that operates almost 1000 miles away and has done so sustainably for over 100 years.”

Southeast Alaska’s troll fishery directly employs 1,500 fishermen, with 85% of troll fishery permit holders living in Southeast Alaska, and is consistently one of Southeast Alaska’s top three most valuable fisheries, providing renewable income for fishing families living in the region’s rural, isolated communities. Prized around the world for its premium quality salmon, the troll fishery generates $148 million annually in economic outputs that include restaurant sales, consumer purchases, transportation jobs and other benefits accruing throughout the West Coast of the U.S. and beyond. 

“The Wild Fish Conservancy continues to miss the mark when it comes to salmon conservation; instead of attacking local communities and families that rely on wild salmon, they could be supporting meaningful action that leads to real solutions,” said Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association Board Member and commercial fisherman, Jeff Farvour. “Our fleet and organization will continue to fight Wild Fish Conservancy’s spurious lawsuit and do everything we can to protect the salmon that our fishery and families depend on.”


Media contacts:

Linda Behnken, Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association - 907-738-3615

Acme backs seafood NGOs fighting climate change, promoting diversity in sector

Seafood Source

By Bhavana Scalia-Bruce

March 20, 2023

Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.-based Acme Smoked Fish awarded a total of USD 120,000 (EUR 111,912) to three separate organizations for their contribution to lowering climate footprints and increasing diversity in the seafood sector. 

The Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, Luke’s Seafood’s Lift All Boats program, and Aroostook Band of the Mi’kmaq Nation each received USD 40,000 (EUR 37,297) via Acme’s Seafood Industry Climate Award (SICA). The award, launched in 2022 in collaboration with TD Bank, is part of the company’s Eric Caslow Innovation Fund.

The awardees were celebrated at an event during Seafood Expo North America (SENA) – which ran from 12 to 14 March in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Read article on line here

Defense Of Alaska Fisheries Resolution Passes Legislature

March 20, 2023

JUNEAU – Today, on a unanimous vote, the Senate passed House Joint Resolution 5, by Representative Himschoot, calling on the Federal Government and State of Alaska to continue to defend Alaska’s fisheries, including the Southeast Alaska troll fishery and do everything within their power to keep the fishery open.

The Southeast Alaska troll salmon fishery is being threatened by a lawsuit filed by the Washington State-based environmental group Wild Fish Conservancy.

The suit seeks to stop the Southeast troll fishery over what Wild Fish Conservancy sees as impacting southern resident killer whales in Puget Sound. A recent report from a Magistrate Judge in Washington recommended not allowing the retention of king salmon during the winter and summer troll seasons of the Southeast Alaska troll fishery. This closure would be devastating for the troll fleet and have a significant economic impact on the region.

“Fishing in Southeast Alaska not only provides thousands of jobs, but it’s also a way of life throughout the region. Having the largest fleet of trollers in Southeast brings in business opportunities and extensive economic activity for these small communities,” said Senator Bert Stedman (R-Sitka), who carried HJR5 in the Senate. “If our resources begin to be managed through lawsuits, we will lose the lifeblood of our communities. Alaskans know best how to manage our resources, and we’re fighting to ensure it stays that way.” 

“I am pleased we were able to act quickly to pass this resolution,” said Minority Leader Calvin Schrage (NP-Anchorage). “I hope this serves as an important reminder that the Legislature has no interest in allowing outside groups to stand in the way of hard-working Alaskans.”

Trolling is a low barrier, sustainable fishery where fishermen from nearly all 33 communities in Southeast Alaska catch each fish with hook and line. State residents hold 85% of the permits. There are approximately 1450 trollers contributing over $85 million to the economies of coastal Alaska.   

“This would be devastating for the troll fleet and have a significant economic impact on the region,” said Tim O’Connor, Mayor of Craig and Commercial Troller.

“The Southeast troll fishery has been sustainably managed for over a hundred years, and it continues to be today, and I am thankful the legislature recognizes the importance of this resolution.” said Amy Daugherty, Executive Director of the Alaska Trollers Association. “I am shocked an outside group thinks it makes sense to manage a fishery, with over a hundred-year history, by lawsuit rather than sound science.”

“The resolution’s overwhelming bipartisan support shows the Wild Fish Conservancy that the State of Alaska is committed to continue defending the fishery. I hope the Wild Fish Conservancy reconsiders pursuing this misguided lawsuit and instead starts addressing the factors impacting the Southern Resident Killer Whales in their own back yard.” said Representative Rebecca Himschoot.

See online here

Alaska’s Climate-Driven Fisheries Collapse Is Devastating Indigenous Communities

The state’s salmon, king crab, and snow crab populations crashed last year, disrupting Native food supplies and traditions—and sending a warning for what’s to come for the Lower 48.


MARCH 13, 2023

“Fishing is more than simply having means to fill the pantry with my favorite food,” says U.S. Representative Mary Peltola (D-AK), the first Alaska Native (Yup’ik) in Congress.

Like so many Alaska Natives, Peltola grew up fishing for salmon with her family for subsistence.

“On the Kuskokwim, babies teethe on dried salmon strips,” she said. “People eat salmon just about any way you can think of—dried, smoked, jarred, frozen. It’s heartbreaking to witness the crash of salmon populations in river systems we’ve been able to rely on as long as I can remember.”

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